Estate Planning

 Are life insurance proceeds payable under a policy on a qualified participant’s life includible in such participant’s gross estate?

Life insurance proceeds from a qualified plan that are payable to the deceased participant’s executor (or estate) are includible in the deceased participant’s gross estate. [IRC §2042(1)] If the proceeds are payable to a beneficiary, they are included in the deceased participant’s gross estate only if the decedent possessed incidents of ownership in the policy …

 Are life insurance proceeds payable under a policy on a qualified participant’s life includible in such participant’s gross estate? Read More »

What are the key estate planning considerations for qualified retirement plan benefits and IRAs?

Both estate tax and income tax results should be considered in planning qualified retirement plan benefits and IRAs. Both IRAs and qualified retirement plan benefits are includible in a plan participant’s or IRA owner’s gross estate; however, if those benefits are willed to the participant’s/owner’s spouse, the marital deduction will eliminate estate tax on such …

What are the key estate planning considerations for qualified retirement plan benefits and IRAs? Read More »

How does a bypass trust reduce the surviving spouse’s estate taxes?

Bypass trusts can reduce estate taxes significantly in limited cases, for example if assets are expected to appreciate dramatically. They may be useful if there is a nontax reason for creating a trust, such as asset protection or to control spendthrift activity. But bypass trusts are generally not needed for estate planning purposes as a …

How does a bypass trust reduce the surviving spouse’s estate taxes? Read More »