Great fashion show! Nice time at the Fashion Fights Poverty (FFP) event.
FFP has a mission to raise awareness for initiatives that encourage and support creative, effective, and sustainable means of challenging poverty. They want to leverage fashion, textiles, and design world to offer creative ways for designers, craftsmen and consumers alike to contribute to the alleviation of poverty. They do this through trade, skill-building and community empowerment. Fashion Fights Poverty (FFP) is, according to the Washington Post and Biz Bash magazines, “one of the largest fashion fundraisers in Washington, DC” and is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. It features national and international designers who employ ethical means and practices in their design and manufacturing processes to produce products that promote economic development and the betterment of a given community.
FFP provides a forum for dialogue and awareness-building about how fashion, textiles, and design can alleviate poverty and empower communities.